
Reviews for Tim Hortons in Vancouver, BC

Sonya 2 years ago

Stood in the line for 30 mins just for them to say they?re out of ingredients and can?t make any of the 3 different food options... i asked for. All the other restaurants on campus closed while i waited in line for this. Spoilt my day! Read more

SL H 2 years ago

Honestly the timmies on campus are all the same: bad customer service. But this one is out of this world! It always seems like... they?re understaffed. And did I mention they don?t have scanners to reward you with points? I found out about this hard wayafter lining up for more than half an hour with a line of 6 people ahead of me! And when I got my order they forgot to add thethe expresso shot! I didnt even bother to go back and it was the last time I was there and will never come back here for thelife of me while I?m studying here! Read more

Marcia Z 2 years ago

I?d there is zero star I will give it Horrific waiting experience, understaffed and super SUPPPEEEERRRR SLOW, who is the owner... and how these l got hired????? Waiting 5min for one cup of black coffee When I was ordering for ?medium roast black? Thecashier looked me in the eye in lost, turned around asking her supervisor and another lady told her it?s the original coffee.She turned back to me and said it?s called ?original? LMAO, I told her I?ve been ordering this my entire life and all of suddenu don?t understand? Why u work here? U might be good in others services field but def not for this campus with high volume oftraffic. Capitalism SMH Read more

Jakob Schmidt 2 years ago

At a measured average of about 3 minutes per customer in the food line and (surprisingly) about 2 and a half minutes in the... coffee line if there are 20 people in line the wait will be about 1 hour for the food line and a little less forcoffee. However, since people regularly leave these long lines because of wait times one can expect to move through the line ata slightly faster pace. Now, considering the average amount of time for a customer to spend in a fast food restaurant is about5 and a half minutes (queuing time and prep time included), one can quickly see that anything longer than 10 minutes (double thetime we have become accustomed to) is going to strain the patience of the average customer. This particular location processescustomers at about average pace. The trouble is the very long line which very quickly makes the wait time increasinglyundesirable for the customer (and probably the staff as well). Tim Hortons is throwing away money since customers leave thelineup because of long wait times. They attempt to mitigate this with a second cashier, but the second cashier is only availableless than half the time. I offer no solutions because I wrote this waiting in line and don?t have time. Self serve coffeestations would cut this problem down considerably but COVID prevents this. Read more

A.C. G 3 years ago

Staff here are great but this location is deeply under-staffed. It shouldn?t take 20+ mins for a coffee. Huge line ups all times... of the day. Read more

Daniel Choi 4 years ago

The food is typical of most Tim Horton's - good enough. The service is pretty slow, but only because the line is massive for any... conceivable meal time (~20-30 minutes). There's usually little to no room to sit. Read more

Jacqueline Tang 4 years ago

It is dinner time, and the line is long but the staffs are being really inefficient and I had to stay in line for about half an... hour after a long and busy day. I?m never coming here again. Not recommended. Read more

isabelle binette 5 years ago

Seriously understaffed. Lines are AT LEAST 15 minutes long anytime of the day, very often more. I understand this is a busy... location but it should then be staffed accordingly. I did my undergrad in a downtown campus in the east where the timmies areway more hectic and crazy and you don?t wait this long. The cashier shouldn?t be preparing drinks but only take orders. You arelosing business with these crazy lines. As for the products it tastes the same as anywhere else but I had to give a bad reviewfor poor service. Really feels like they only want to milk money. Read more