
Reviews for Rock'N Deli in Québec, QC

Etienne Villeneuve 1 year ago

(Translated by Google) Tiny size fountain liquor that's not even sparkling or especially cold. + Very salty fries let's say it... doesn't mix well. Ordinary for the price! (Original) Format miniscule de liqueur fontaine qui est plus n'est même paspétillante ou particulièrement froide. + Frites très salé mettons que ça ne fait pas bien ménage. Ordinaire pour le prix! Read more

Dora Scavuzzo 1 year ago

(Translated by Google) Not sure about hygiene. She goes from her phone to food etc. The meat remains on the counter without... refrigerating. So-so? (Original) Pas sûr de l?hygiène. Elle passe de son téléphone à la nourriture etc. La viande resteposé sur le comptoir sans repartir au frais. Bof bof? Read more

Taneli Savela 1 year ago

A rather unfortunate experience as the cashier took 100$ of my money due to my inability to understand French (not her fault)... when in reality our bill was only 45$. When I asked to see the receipt, she gave it to me but when confronting her about themoney I had previously given, she just took 3 20$ notes out of the registry and claimed that was it. It wasnt, I counted themoney before giving it to her because of my poor French. On top of this, the food quality was abysmal. Store bought breaddoesnt cut it for these prices. Read more

Florent TEZZA 2 years ago

(Translated by Google) I order a Rock N Deli BOSS burger because I see that there are mushrooms as condiments inside. On the... plate the burger has no mushrooms, I go back to see the woman at the counter to tell her that they forgot the mushrooms. Shetells me no it's normal for us because we don't have any more. I tell him that I chose this burger for the mushrooms and that Iam disappointed. She repeats to me again "well we have more". I don't find it very commercial, no solution offered. We careabout customer satisfaction. In addition, the 2 customers who ordered after me were served before me.. Error in my order I hadasked for a poutine and my served fries. The fried chicken didn't taste great.. maybe the frying oil was too old. And theburger was finally inedible.. I don't know if you can call it beef. (Original) Je commande un burger Rock N Deli BOSS car jevoit qu?il y a des champignons comme condiments à l?intérieur. Dans l?assiette le burger n?a pas de champignons, je retournevoir la femme au comptoir pour lui dire qu?ils ont oublié les champignons. Elle me dit non c?est normal nous car nous enn?avons plus. Je lui dis que j?ai choisi ce burger pour les champignons et que je suis déçu. Elle me répète encore « bahon en a plus ». Je ne trouve pas ça très commerçant, aucune solution proposée. On se fou de la satisfaction client. Deplus les 2 clients ayant commandé apres moi sont servit avant moi.. Erreur dans ma commande j?avais demandé une poutine etmon sert des frites. Le poulet frit n?avait pas un super goût.. peut-être que l?huile de friture était trop ancienne. Et leburger était finalement immangeable.. je ne sais pas si on peut appeler ça du b?uf. Read more

Jeremy Jasmin 4 years ago

I often go there during my lunch break. Great quality food!! Can?t wait till things get back to normal so i can eat there.

Pier-Alexandre Poulin 5 years ago

Very pricey for the offering and the bread was microwaved (!).

Michel Cloutier 5 years ago

Very pricey for the offering, slow service, and if you take the big serving of smoked meat at a measly 8 ounces they will ask... you first if you are sure then they will ask you if it's for your whole family or just you. The salad was very good thesandwich was good but not great. It was the Place-Ste-Foy branch. Read more

Matt Dupuis 7 years ago

Friendly cashier. Great smoked meat!