
Reviews for McDonald's in Columbus, OH

FLOR BONILLA 1 year ago

It?s McDonald?s at a decent location, but the people are just ghetto, attitude issues, and too stupid to take your order?without... giving you issues. Get people who can at least take an order and be polite, mostly black people with zero effort or knowledge onwhat customer service. Or shut the place down. Zero stars were not possible. Read more

Bobby Hodge 1 year ago

It was really busy, and i ordered the wrong drink on the mobile app, and this woman who was serving me got so mad at me that... instead of making me what i wanted, she walked away from me and refused to help me any longer. So i had to wait 17 more minuteswhile she helped 4 other people right in front of me, and refused to even acknowledge me. It was really unbelievable. I didn'tsay a word, and finally a gentleman finally asked me why i was not being helped, and got me my drink quickly and withouthesitation. So don't dare be a human being, and make a mistake in front of that woman who apparently Miss perfect. Read more

Vickie Buggs 1 year ago

A Mexican woman who identified herself as the manager displayed a very hostile and negative attitude toward me when the cashier... needed her assistance to help with my order . Apparently they don?t take McDonald?s App orders for breakfast after 10:30am whenI arrived. I didn?t see that Info on the app prior to placing my order and if that were the case why wasn?t I alerted when Iplaced my order. She was a very nasty lady and truly should not be working with the public, customers or employees. She sentover another lady African American to clean up her dirty work and I advised that the Mexican lady needs to be corrected anddisciplined for her nasty attitude, the African American lady said unfortunately the Mexican lady was her boss and she couldn?tsay anything to her!! The entire operation there is horrible all I could hear was women talking in loud voices in their nativelanguage which was not English, this is America and when serving customers here the language of the land which is English iswhat should be spoken period!! This McDonald?s sucks! Read more

Eric Freeman 2 years ago

This McDonalds will not give a receipt unless you ask, which is utterly ridiculous. Today I went through the drive through and... ordered a sausage muffin, when I got to the window, the cashier did not have my order on the screen and could not find it. I hadto tell her 3 times that I only ordered a sausage muffin and not a sausage muffin, coffee and burrito. Yesterday, I heard anemployee who was training another one in the drive through tell the new employee that "You do not give a receipt unless theyask" When I told the new employee that she should always give a receipt the trainer repeated "As I said, you do not give areceipt unless they ask". I don't know who runs this place but it is getting to the point where I do not want to go there.Better training is needed. Read more

Hannah Spencer 2 years ago

Worst experience at a McDonald?s - ever. Pulled up to order and a male voice greeted me. I started to recite my normal, and a... female voice interrupted, and asked me to repeat myself. I did so, and then both employees argued with each over who would takemy order. Finally, the male voice asked me to finish, and was told to pull ahead. No order was ever put on the screen in frontof me, but it was verbally spoken back to me as correct. I got to the pay window 20 seconds later and was told what theycharged me for - it was all incorrect. I attempted to correct it right away and the cashier blatantly told me ?No. That?s notwhat you ordered.? Confused and taken aback, I attempted AGAIN to correct it with him, and he shook his head ?no?, and told meto go to the second window. At the second window, I attempted to correct it AGAIN, and was basically told to get over it. Theylooked at me as if I was insane. Horrific customer service. Poor management at evening hours. Honestly, the poor experience waslikely due to underpaid and overworked employees, and I get that, fully. Just writing this review to let you know that they arerun ragged at night and your order will suffer. If you are experiencing a highly emotional day and get gaslit by the dude at thefirst window you might cry like a absolute nut. Go elsewhere. Read more

Jonathan duru 2 years ago

I don't really enjoy most Mc Donald's, but this outlet right here delivers on it's promise and I would recommend them if you are... within this axis Read more

MarkaPhotog 2 years ago

I do not recommend this McDonald's at all. I went in to get a fast meal, but to many problems occurred with many staff members.... The man took my order and a woman said something to him and took over his station. She then asked what my order was as he neverentered it into the computer. I told her and it seemed OK. I sat down, screaming children running around with no parents doinganything to stop them. It started making me anxious. I noticed a staff member took what looked like my order to a differenttable (i had the number sign for my order on my table). He said that's not my order and I said I think it's mine. She literallytossed the tray on my table, knocking the receipt on the floor and almost dumping the tray on the floor too. She turnedimmediately as I said excuse me, because I noticed no cup for my drink. I got up and said excuse me a total of 3 times, beingignored every time. I said excuse me to another staff member who turned around and went in the back. The woman who took my orderwalked by and I said excuse me to her. I explained about my drink and she rudely asked what drink. I told her I ordered thecombo meal and she asked what size and tossed it to me. At that point I was extremely overwhelmed and shaking. I did not feelcomfortable in this particular McDonald's and the staff obviously does not care about being courteous or the fact that they weretreating a handicapped person rudely. I would go to another McDonald's if you are in the area, the outside looked really neat,but that's the only thing good about it. Read more

tyann amos 2 years ago

This is a cute McDonald?s for kids. It takes them a while to get your order right so be sure to keep your receipt. It is clean,... they have cool games the kids can play at the table, and staff is pretty nice. Read more